British / American Spellings
The CABI Digital Library search functionality automatically finds British/American spelling variants across all content fields and full text, with the exception of the Keyword/Index fields where it looks for precise matches of spelling.
To look up the precise word or spelling variant of CABI’s index terms please use the CABI Thesaurus.
A dedicated English dictionary is used to tackle the variations on word spelling caused by differences found among English speaking countries, and by alternative spellings within the same country. The varcon (Variant Conversion Info) lexicon is used to enhance English handling and it includes spellings in American, British, Canadian, and Australian and also variant spellings within these languages. British – US synonyms cannot be deactivated with double quotes.
Example: if you search for
(aa = author affiliation)
The results will also give items with 'chili' in the author affiliation field, because this is considered a synonym of 'chile'.
For indexing terms, truncation may also be used when searching to ensure that spelling variants are retrieved.
For example search for
rather than
to ensure retrieval of any records where the word ‘colour” occurs as part of the index terms, for instance “colour patterns” in the descriptor field.
Last updated
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