How to search within a specific product

Product landing page / 'Browse products' menu

It is possible to search only within a specified product by selecting the product from the top Browse Products navigation bar.

If you start your search from the search bar on the product homepage, you will only search within that product. The product that you have searched will be indicated in the Applied Filters section on the left.

'Product' filter on the left hand side in search results

It is also possible to limit search results and subsequent searches to a specific CABI database by using the left hand Product refine facet. When you select the desired product the database filter then remains set for your next search, when using the search box immediately above search results to perform another search.

Restricting searches across several products using Advanced Search 'CABI Product' field

The Advanced Search CABI Product field may be used to construct searches which work across two or three CABI products simultaneously, whether these are databases or primary publications. The desired products need to be specified using the two digit codes indicated in these tables. You may specify as many products as you wish to search across in this way, by combining them with the Boolean operator OR.

So to illustrate, to search simultaneously for information about the term ‘mosaic virus’ occurring in either of two products, for example either in CAB Abstracts (a database) or in Distribution Maps of Plant Diseases (a primary publication), you would enter the two product codes combined with the OR operator in the ‘CABI Product’ field box, so <ca OR fw> , AND the term <mosaic virus> in an ‘All fields’ box.

Alternatively, it is also possible to specify products in a keyword search by entering the Product or Sequence Code field name letters SC followed by a colon in front of the two letter product code.

For example <sc:CA> would search for all records in the CAB Abstracts database, or another example example < sc:VE AND rabies> .

To search across several products, combine the codes with the Boolean OR, so for example

<(sc:VE OR sc:CA) AND rabies>

Last updated