CABICODES - CABI Subject Classification Codes

(List of codes revised August 2024, removes discontinued Codes and includes Codes added since 2022

In addition to adding index terms to a record, broad concepts or subjects are also “indexed” with a classification system known as CABICODES used to code for subjects that would be difficult to describe with keywords alone. CABICODES divide the subject coverage of the CAB ABSTRACTS database into 25 major sections or subjects. Each subject then includes a series of codes that divides that subject into more specific areas.

Search for content tagged with the relevant codes by entering the six digit code into the CABICODE field in Advanced search. Alternatively search in the main search box using the CC field tag, for example, cc: EE110 to retrieve all records tagged with the Agricultural Economics, EE110 CABICODE.

AA000 Agriculture (General)

AA500 Research

BB500 History and Biography

BB700 Palaeontology and Archaeology

CC000 Education, Extension, Information and Training (General)

CC100 Education and Training

CC200 Extension and Advisory Work

CC300 Information and Documentation

CC400 Collections

CC700 Professions: Practice and Service

DD100 Agencies and Organizations

DD500 Laws and Regulations

EE000 Economics (General)

EE110 Agricultural Economics

EE111 Horticultural Economics (NEW March 2000)

EE112 Forestry Economics (NEW March 2000)

EE113 Aquacultural and Fisheries Economics (NEW March 2000)

EE115 Natural Resource Economics (NEW March 2000)

EE116 Food Economics (NEW March 2000)

EE117 Veterinary Economics (NEW March 2000)

EE118 Health Economics (NEW March 2000)

EE119 Leisure, Recreation and Tourism Economics (NEW March 2000)

EE120 Policy and Planning

EE125 Aid (NEW March 2000)

EE130 Supply, Demand and Prices

EE140 Input Supply Industries (Macroeconomics)

EE145 Input Utilization (Microeconomics)

EE165 Structure, Ownership and Tenure

EE350 Rural Industry and Enterprises

EE600 International Trade

EE700 Marketing and Distribution

EE720 Consumer Economics

EE800 Investment, Finance and Credit

EE900 Labour and Employment

EE950 Income and Poverty

FF000 Plant Science (General)

FF003 Horticultural Crops (NEW March 2000)

FF005 Field Crops (NEW March 2000)

FF007 Forage and Fodder Crops (NEW March 2000)

FF020 Plant Breeding and Genetics

FF030 Plant Morphology and Structure

FF040 Plant Composition

FF060 Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

FF061 Plant Nutrition

FF062 Plant-Water Relations

FF100 Plant Production

FF150 Plant Cropping Systems

FF160 Plant Propagation

FF170 in vitro Culture of Plant Material

FF500 Weeds and Noxious Plants

FF610 Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Diseases of Plants (NEW March 2000)

FF620 Plant Pests (NEW March 2000)

FF700 Plant Disorders and Injuries (Not caused directly by Organisms)

FF800 Plant Toxicology

FF900 Environmental Tolerance of Plants

HH000 Pathogen, Pest and Parasite and Weed Management (General)

HH100 Biological Control

HH200 Environmental Pest Management

HH300 Integrated Pest Management

HH400 Pesticides and Drugs (General)

HH405 Pesticides and Drugs: Control (NEW March 2000)

HH410 Pesticide and Drug Resistance

HH420 Pesticides and Drugs: Chemistry and Formulation (NEW March 2000)

HH430 Pesticide and Drug Residues and Ecotoxicology (NEW March 2000)

HH500 Repellents and Attractants

HH600 Host Resistance and Immunity

HH700 Other Control Measures

JJ000 Soil Science (General)

JJ100 Soil Biology

JJ200 Soil Chemistry and Mineralogy

JJ300 Soil Physics

JJ400 Soil Morphology, Formation and Classification

JJ500 Soil Surveys and Land Evaluation

JJ600 Soil Fertility

JJ700 Fertilizers and other Amendments

JJ800 Soil Water Management (Irrigation and Drainage)

JJ900 Soil Management

KK000 Forestry, Forest Products and Agroforestry (General)

KK100 Forests and Forest Trees (Biology and Ecology)

KK110 Silviculture and Forest Management

KK130 Forest Fires

KK160 Ornamental and Amenity Trees

KK500 Forest Products and Industries (General)

KK510 Wood Properties, Damage and Preservation

KK515 Logging and Wood Processing

KK520 Wood Utilization and Engineered Wood Products

KK530 Chemical and Biological Processing of Wood

KK540 Non-wood Forest Products

KK600 Agroforestry and Multipurpose Trees; Community, Farm and Social Forestry

LL000 Animal Science (General)

LL010 Apiculture

LL020 Sericulture

LL030 Other Invertebrate Culture (Not Aquaculture)

LL040 Laboratory Animal Science

LL050 Game Animals

LL060 Working Animals (revised September 2022, was Draught Animals)

LL070 Pets and Companion Animals

LL075 Sport Animals (NEW March 2000)

LL080 Zoo Animals

LL110 Dairy Animals

LL120 Meat-producing Animals

LL130 Egg-producing Animals

LL145 Wool-producing Animals (NEW March 2000)

LL148 Fur-bearing Animals (NEW March 2000)

LL180 Animal Husbandry and Production (NEW March 2000)

LL190 Animal Slaughter

LL240 Animal Genetics and Breeding (NEW March 2000)

LL250 Animal Reproduction and Embryology (NEW March 2000)

LL300 Animal Behaviour

LL400 Animal Anatomy and Morphology (NEW March 2000)

LL500 Animal Nutrition (General)

LL510 Animal Nutrition (Physiology)

LL520 Animal Nutrition (Production Responses)

LL600 Animal Physiology and Biochemistry (Excluding Nutrition)

LL650 Animal Immunology (NEW March 2000)

LL700 Animal Tissue and Cell Culture

LL800 Animal Health and Hygiene (General)

LL810 Animal Welfare

LL821 Prion, Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens of Animals (NEW March 2000)

LL822 Protozoan, Helminth, Mollusc and Arthropod Parasites of Animals (NEW March 2000)

LL823 Veterinary Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts (NEW March 2000)

LL860 Non-communicable Diseases and Injuries of Animals

LL882 Veterinary Pharmacology and Anaesthesiology (NEW March 2000)

LL884 Animal Surgery and Non-drug Therapy (NEW March 2000)

LL886 Diagnosis of Animal Diseases (NEW March 2000)

LL950 Toxicology and Poisoning of Animals (NEW March 2000)

MM000 Aquatic Sciences (General)

MM110 Fisheries

MM120 Aquaculture (Animals)

MM130 Aquaculture (Plants)

MM300 Aquatic Biology and Ecology

NN000 Engineering and Equipment (General)

NN050 Automation and Control

NN300 Farm and Horticultural Structures

NN400 Agricultural and Forestry Equipment (General)

NN460 Cleaning, Grading, Handling, Storage and Transport Equipment

NN600 Processing Equipment and Technology

PP000 Natural Resources (General)

PP100 Energy

PP200 Water Resources

PP300 Land Resources

PP320 Wetlands

PP350 Grasslands and Rangelands

PP400 Erosion; Soil and Water Conservation

PP500 Meteorology and Climate

PP550 Climate change (NEW September 2022)

PP600 Pollution and Degradation

PP700 Biological Resources (General)

PP710 Biological Resources (Animal)

PP720 Biological Resources (Plant)

PP730 Invasive species (NEW September 2022)

PP800 Natural Disasters

QQ000 Food Science and Food Products (Human)

QQ010 Milk and Dairy Produce

QQ020 Sugar and Sugar Products

QQ030 Meat Produce

QQ040 Eggs and Egg Products

QQ050 Crop Produce

QQ060 Aquatic Produce

QQ070 Other Produce

QQ100 Food Processing (General)

QQ110 Food Storage and Preservation

QQ111 Storage Problems and Pests of Food

QQ120 Microbial Technology in Food Processing

QQ130 Food Additives

QQ200 Food Contamination, Residues and Toxicology

QQ500 Food Composition and Quality

QQ600 Food Chemistry (NEW 2002)

QQ700 Food Service (NEW 2002)

RR000 Forage and Feed Products (Non-human)

RR100 Forage and Feed Processing

RR130 Feed Additives

RR200 Feed Contamination, Residues and Toxicology

RR300 Feed Composition and Quality

SS000 Non-food/Non-feed Agricultural Products (General)

SS100 Non-food/Non-feed Animal Products

SS200 Non-food/Non-feed Plant Products

SS210 Storage Problems and Pests of Non-food/Non-feed Plant Products

SS230 Composition and Quality of Non-food/Non-feed Plant Products

SS300 Biodeterioration

UU000 Social Sciences (General)

UU100 Housing and Settlement

UU200 Demography

UU300 Public Services and Infrastructure

UU350 Health Services

UU360 Communication and Mass Media

UU450 Community Participation and Development (NEW March 2000)

UU485 Social Psychology and Social Anthropology (NEW March 2000)

UU495 Conflict (NEW March 2000)

UU500 Gender relations (revised September 2022, was Women)

UU600 Leisure

UU610 Recreational Facilities and Management (NEW March 2000)

UU625 Sport and Recreational Activities (NEW March 2000)

UU630 Arts, Entertainment and Cultural Heritage

UU700 Tourism and Travel

UU800 Rural Sociology (NEW March 2000)

UU850 Rural Development (NEW March 2000)

VV000 Human Health and Biology (General)

VV050 Human Physiology and Biochemistry

VV055 Immunology and Allergology (NEW March 2000)

VV060 Human Reproduction and Development

VV065 Human Sexual and Reproductive Health (NEW March 2000)

VV080 Human Genetics and Molecular Medicine (NEW 2002)

VV100 Human Nutrition (General)

VV110 Diet Studies

VV120 Physiology of Human Nutrition

VV130 Nutrition-related Disorders and Therapeutic Nutrition

VV140 Animal Models of Human Nutrition

VV210 Prion, Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens of Humans (NEW March 2000)

VV220 Protozoan, Helminth and Arthropod Parasites of Humans (NEW March 2000)

VV230 Public Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts (NEW March 2000)

VV400 Animal Models of Human Diseases (NEW March 2000)

VV450 Animal and in vitro Models for Pharmaceuticals (NEW March 2000)

VV500 Human Health and the Environment

VV550 Rural Health (NEW March 2000)

VV600 Non–communicable Human Diseases and Injuries

VV710 Non-drug Therapy and Prophylaxis of Humans (NEW March 2000)

VV720 Diagnosis of Human Disease (NEW March 2000)

VV730 Pharmacology (NEW March 2000)

VV810 Human Toxicology and Poisoning (NEW March 2000)

VV820 Toxinology (NEW March 2000)

VV900 Occupational Health and Safety

WW000 Biotechnology [General]

WW100 Genetic Engineering, Gene Transfer and Transgenics (NEW 2002)

WW300 Cell, Tissue and Embryo Manipulation (NEW 2002)

WW500 Fermentation Technology and Industrial Microbiology (NEW 2002)

WW700 Diagnostic, Therapeutic and Pharmacological Biotechnology (NEW 2002)

WW900 Biosensors and Biological Nanotechnology (NEW 2002)

XX000 Wastes (General)

XX100 Animal Wastes

XX200 Plant Wastes

XX300 Human Wastes and Refuse

XX400 Industrial Wastes and Effluents

XX700 Biodegradation

YY000 Zoology - Wild Animals (Vertebrates and Invertebrates) (General) (NEW March 2000)

YY100 Anatomy and Morphology (Wild Animals) (NEW March 2000)

YY200 Reproduction, Development and Life Cycle (Wild Animals) (NEW March 2000)

YY300 Genetics and Molecular Genetics (Wild Animals) (NEW March 2000)

YY400 Physiology and Biochemistry (Wild Animals) (NEW March 2000)

YY500 Behaviour (Wild Animals) (NEW March 2000)

YY700 Pathogens, Parasites and Infectious Diseases (Wild Animals) (NEW March 2000)

YY800 Other Wildlife Diseases (NEW March 2000)

YY900 Toxicology and Poisoning (Wild Animals) (NEW March 2000)

ZZ000 Other Sciences

ZZ100 Mathematics and Statistics

ZZ200 Materials Science

ZZ300 Life Sciences (General)

ZZ330 Ecology (General)

ZZ331 Plant Ecology

ZZ332 Animal Ecology

ZZ333 Microbial Ecology (NEW March 2000)

ZZ360 Molecular Biology and Molecular Genetics

ZZ380 Taxonomy and Evolution

ZZ390 Microbiology (General)

ZZ392 Morphology of Microorganisms (NEW March 2000)

ZZ394 Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms (NEW March 2000)

ZZ395 Genetics and Molecular Genetics of Microorganisms (NEW March 2000)

ZZ396 Microbial Life Cycles (NEW March 2000)

ZZ500 Physical Sciences (General)

ZZ650 One Health (NEW September 2022)

ZZ700 Forensic Science

ZZ800 Geology and Geomorphology (General)

ZZ900 Techniques and Methodology

Last updated